For the fifth consecutive year, AJCAA has organized the AJCAA Tutoring Programme for the A-Level students of AJC, in order to support the current batch of graduating students in their studies.
For 2010, over 7 tutoring sessions held in the reading room at AJC, we have helped 61 students who were in need of academic support as compared to 40 students in 2009. Furthermore, we have extended our tutor base to 19 alumni from 16 previously in 2009. They are from various batches: 1993, 1998. 1999, 2001, 2003 - 2008. The subjects offered for 2010 were extended to 7 from 6 in 2009 which are General Paper, Economics, Geography, Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics.
We are really grateful to our fantastic alumni who came down especially on Saturday mornings from 9am to 12 pm to guide our juniors in the various subjects, clearly exemplifying our college motto of "Non Mihi Solum". Without their help, this Programme will not be made possible. We thank you for your commitment and concern for our juniors, and we look forward to collaborating with you for next year's Tutoring Programme.
For many of us, it is difficult waking up early on weekends after a long week of strenuous work or studies. This year, the alumni EXCO members played a role taking turns to watch over the sessions and to offer any necessary help to our tutors. We sincerely thank our EXCO members and appreciate the time and effort that our alumni spent in coaching our juniors.
If you are interested in joining our Tutoring Programme, you would be invited for an appraisal before the commencement of the AJCAA Tutoring Programme. On the conclusion of the program, AJCAA will award testimonials and transport reimbursements for the ex-AJCians who have participated as tutors in this Programme. Stay tuned and come forward to volunteer yourself for the Programme in 2011.
For more photos taken during the tutoring sessions, and the list of tutors and
alumni who had helped out in the Programme, please visit